Think. Work. Connect. Meet.
Be Inspired.
The way we work and meet has changed, so must our space.
You may currently work from a home office, corporate office, restaurant or kitchen table. We have created a work place and community space for professionals, students, clubs who need to work or meet outside of their home or corporate office. Exit 11 Workspace offers a place that is warm, welcoming and productive. We offer day passes, membership programs and private offices.
Whether you're selling, consulting, creating, starting, meeting, learning or searching, there is a place for you to get work done, meet and collaborate at Exit 11.
Meeting Rooms
Exit 11 has a wide range of event space available; find the perfect space for a one-on-one meeting, a company workshop, a holiday party, a corporate luncheon and anything else you can think of
Exit 11 is a hybrid coffee shop, meeting facility and office center. We have a seat for everyone - from cafe and lounge seating to training room, coworking and private offices.
Interested in becoming a member or in renting dedicated office space from Exit 11?
Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll get in touch.